by Sabine Bahry-Lembo | Dec 11, 2009 | Actuality
Avalon Events Organisation wedding planner and private party planner are welcome to announce the venue of their special Santa Clause direct from the North Pole. He will be in with us in Monaco from 12th December till the 19th December.
If you wish to meet him please do not hesitate to contact us we will be more than welcome to arrange it for you
by Sabine Bahry-Lembo | Oct 1, 2009 | Actuality
Sabine Bahry Lembo will flew to London to visit some clients. A “couture” way to be as near as possible to their client…..
She will come back on sunday
by Sabine Bahry-Lembo | Jul 1, 2009 | Actuality

Avec l’aide de Avalon Events Organisation l’association « Ladies Lunch » vient de fêter ses cinq ans autour de la piscine du Monte-Carlo Beach Club en présence de S.A.S. Le Prince Albert II accompagnée de Mademoiselle Charlène Wittstock laquelle est devenue, lors de ce dîner de gala, Présidente d’honneur de cette jeune et dynamique association présidée par Madame la Baronne Cécile de Massy