Destination Wedding Planners Congress is the only event of its kind which brings together all high-end destination wedding planners from all over the world!
There is all here, from the most unique destinations, extravagant hotels, resorts, chateaus, palaces and venues along with leading wedding suppliers and creative partners ranging from couture designers, photography partners, furniture rentals to jewelry partners, to cake designers and so much more.

This year, just like a year before, Avalon Events Organisation could be a part of this amazing project held in Phuket, Thailand! It was an experience like no others! All three days of the congress was full of networking opportunities for my company: pre-arranged business meetings, evening cocktail receptions, gourmet luncheons, gala dinners, after parties, focused introductions, roundtable discussions and speed networking!

It was just a wonderful platform and such a great opportunity to meet leaders of the wedding industry from different countries. I learned a lot about their challenges, projects and culture. It was the most inspiring, fun and interesting experience I can imagine. I’ve met some really great wedding planners with whom I’ll definitely stay in close contact to grow my network and better organize destinations weddings all over the world.

But these people are not only my business partners but also my friends. During these few days in beautiful Thailand, we were one big family, speaking the same language of passion, dedication and love.

Furthermore, this time in Thailand was even more special because Avalon Events Organisation won the First Raffle Draw Price which was two business plane tickets to anywhere in the world! Such an amazing award. I couldn’t be happier!
Each of these places is exceptional and has its particular charm. Whichever you chose you can be sure that this journey will be unforgettable.

See you next year Destination Wedding Planners Congress family!

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